Saturday, August 2, 2008

[Octave] how to install 'eigs' on ubuntu

If you want to use the 'eigs',

you need the following package called Arpack.

However, before that,

you need to install the following two libraries on ubuntu.

1. sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev

2. sudo apt-get install libarpack2-dev

How can I install the package on Octave?


Friday, August 1, 2008

[Python] Want the eigensolver on ubuntu ?

sudo apt-get install python-numarray

[Latex] Getting pdflatex to embed all fonts

[Latex] Font problem in ACM proceeding templates

First check if all tex packages are installed

sudo apt-get install texlive

[Latex] How to change papersize from A4 to letter

sudo texconfig paper letter

[Octave] GNU plot setting

Just set term as 'postscripts'.

I don't know the details of what happen inside, but the point is it works!

[Octave] How to install mkoctfile on Ubunto

sudo apt-get install octave-headers

[Ubuntu] How to type Korean?

[Ubuntu] how to add user

adduser --home /home/anony --shell /bin/bash anony
